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A three-dimensional mark consists of a three-dimensional shape, as its name says, such as the design of a package, packaging, or even the shape of a product, provided it is able to distinguish it from others of the same species. For example, the bottle of a perfume, the wrapper of a chocolate. 

Industrial design is any type of formal innovation referred to the appearance characteristics of the product or its ornamentation. That is, any object that can serve as a type for the manufacture of a product and that can be described by its structure, configuration, ornamentation or representation.  

It is very important to say that global novelty is required, that is, to be totally original and not know any previous disclosure of its creation. It can be said that three-dimensional marks protect the distinctive character of the sign they identify against other existing ones, and industrial designs protect the novelty and uniqueness of the objects themselves. 

In addition, industrial designs are registered for a maximum of 15 years, three periods every 5 years. 

On the other hand, registered trademarks are renewed every 10 years and do not have any temporal limitation.